My third trimester with baby number two


Goodness me, we're in the third trimester. The nesting urge is getting stronger. This week I rearranged some furniture in Joan's room (again!) and started to go through bags containing all the clothes she has outgrown. I had another acupuncture appointment and my acupuncturist told me how much I had grown over the past month. It's true! I'm really struggling to find clothes that fit other than maternity leggings. With Joan I was able to wear my maternity jeans up to nine months, but this time they cut into my belly and I find them to be really uncomfortable. Luckily my friend, Vanessa, just passed on a bunch of maternity and newborn clothes, including a pair of overalls, which I will not doubt live in.

Symptom-wise, I have nothing to report other than one headache and some leg cramps. Other than that it's been smooth sailing. I continue to love oranges and peanut butter toast. Oh, my linea nigra showed up this week. Woot woot! I am so happy to see that dark line down my belly. I honestly love it and was sad when it disappeared after having Joan.

Joan continues to be super interested in all things birth. Her favourite game at the moment is to pretend to give birth, and she’ll set up pillows and make a little birthing suite on the couch. All day long she talks about pain, breathing, blood, discharge and breastfeeding. It’s hilarious.



I've been craving vegetarian meals this week - big bowls of roasted root vegetables with legumes, quinoa and haloumi have been on my mind. Baked goods, too. I have been seriously into thee cookies and banana bread. Joan and I had a sweet day together one Friday, where we drove to get my favourite doughnuts and visit the op shop (where I scored a big, woollen cardigan to fit over this belly!) I am so excited for warmer weather. Oh, to just throw on a summer dress + sandals and call it a day.

I've been getting really tired in the late afternoons. And because Joan is often skipping a nap, that when I need to be "on" to help avoid meltdowns. I've been trying to get us outside at this time, so she can play with the neighbour kids when they get home from school. Sometimes I'll pop on an episode of Play School or Sesame Street and we'll snuggle on the couch together, or I'll fold laundry and get a start on dinner.

Towards the end of this week we all got sick. It started with Ben, then it hit Joan and I. Initially I was ok - sick but fine - but then a late night tipped me over the edge and I was knocked down hard. My appetite wasn't great, and we ended up eating a lot of easy things like eggs, toast, pasta, spinach, fruit and mugs of chicken broth.


30 weeks! This one feels like another milestone. I cannot quite believe we are here. All of a sudden I am feeling really unprepared. Meaning, I want to get a lot more done before the baby arrives. Hopefully the next couple of months goes slowly.

I got my whooping cough vaccine this week and had another check up with my OB. We saw that bubba is head down towards my left side with his/her spine curving up along my right side. His/her bottom is up the top right side and limbs top left. At the moment, at least. It explains why I keep seeing this bulge moving around on my bottom left side.

We're still not 100% better, so we've been taking it as easy as possible. Thankfully it coincided with a week where I didn't have as much family help as usual, so I wasn't planning on working much anyway. Joan and I did lots of drawing, reading, cooking and watched a lot of Sesame Street. We felt better by the weekend, and went out for dinner with friends both Saturday (pizza!) and Sunday night (Chinese!). We're loving these dinner dates with friends and are doing it as often as we can before October.


I've started to feel better, at long last. Joan has been well for a while, but due to being pregnant it's taken me a month. Hurrah to being able to breath through my nose at night. I've started to get leg cramps again, though, so I bought a magnesium supplement. Other than that, I have been feeling great! Food-wise I'm still eating the same sort of things and enjoying it all. Baked goods continue to be super appealing, and I'm obsessed with oranges + kiwi fruit. 

Last week I was told the baby was head down, which I found incredibly exciting, as Joan was never head down. This week, however, I was touching the belly and believed I felt a head at the top of my uterus. It was such a familiar feeling, as during my pregnancy with Joan I spent three months aware of her position and trying to get her to turn (nothing worked, she came out bottom first). And although I know my OB is supportive of me having a breech birth, I felt SO emotional about this baby possibly flipping head up. Feeling what I thought was his/her little head brought back so many emotions, and I was really overcome. After feeling it all and letting it out (writing and talking and crying), I felt better and reminded myself how early it is and that it's not the same situation as Joan's pregnancy. But, oomf! It was an unexpectedly emotional experience.

In other news, we celebrated Joan's birthday this week. She is now three and I am just so proud of the person she is. It was really nice to spend time just the three of us. Soon that is going to change. It won't ever just be us three again, there will always be another little love to think about. Which is amazing, of course, but it does feel like the end of an era. So I'm savouring these moments.

Food-wise we’ve been having lots of quinoa bowls with roasted sweet potato - I can’t get enough! I’ve also started drinking a pregnancy tea blend. I didn’t do this with Joan as I read somewhere that it wasn’t recommended for breech babies when you were trying to have them flip (who knows if this is true?!). Anyway, it’s enjoyable and helping me stay hydrated. Though to be honest, I don’t even drink one cup a day, maybe a few times a week.


This week I had an appointment with my chiropractor. I started going when pregnant with Joan (and stopped after she was born), as they are supposed to help turn breech babies and help with pelvic alignment for birth. And while Joan obviously remained breech, I found the sessions enjoyable and valuable, so I knew I wanted to go again when I reached the third trimester. 

The following day I had an appointment with my OB who told me that I was possibly feeling my baby's bony bottom, because he/she is indeed head down. And even though I felt ok about the possibility of another breech baby, as I have such supportive care staff around me, I felt so relieved to hear that bubba is head down. We also spoke about what would happen if he/she did flip head up. I am really excited about birthing this little one.

Joan has been seeking me out for cuddles more than usual, which I am loving. We speak a lot about what will happen when her baby brother or sister arrives, so she knows what to expect. But it's going to be such a big change for her, and I think she knows it. I'm looking forward to having one-on-one time with her whenever I can after the birth.

I'm aware that my concept of "me time" is going to drastically change very soon, as I stretch myself between my two children, so I'm trying to fit in as much as I can - solo baths at night, watching a movie in bed by myself (well, not the entire movie, let's be real), leisurely cooking sessions and long showers. This week my folks came over and we did a bunch of jobs around the house, like painting and moving furniture. Joan's bassinet is now in our room, along with the change table. Seeing all this baby stuff around the house makes me so happy.


This week we had a little staycation in the city. I wanted to have some special family time just the three of us before our babe arrives. Whenever we drive through the city, Joan asks if we can stay there, and so we booked a night at a hotel using points. I wanted a hotel that looked like a palace - the Hotel Windsor was perfect, as it felt grand but was affordable. 

Later this week Joan got sick and we had some really late nights, including one night at the hospital as she was having trouble breathing. She bounced back fine but I felt exhausted for a while. I also started to feel this sharp stabbing pain in my vagina, which my midwife said is totally normal. I saw her towards the end of this week and got my second Anti-D injection. Along with confirmation that bubs is still head down (woohoo!). Oh, and this is totally TMI but I have to talk about it - discharge. I've had a lot more discharge this pregnancy than with Joan - I don't remember it ever being a thing with her. But I didn't mention it on the blog before now, because I thought, "Come on, Heidi, no one wants to hear about vaginal discharge." But this week it amped up so much, it was actually ridiculous and I had to make note of it for those out there in a similar situation.


 This week I started to feel nauseated. It is so weird! I never experienced third trimester nausea in my pregnancy with Joan. I thought perhaps I was just getting Joan’s virus, but nope! That didn’t happen (THANK GOODNESS) and as I was walking down the tea aisle at the supermarket, I felt like I wanted to vomit. It feels really similar to the first trimester, though not as intense. But my appetite is off, which means I’m not eating as much protein. And, for me, low protein intake correlates with increased nausea. Blah! That explains why I have'n’t made note of foods. I’m just not interested!

I’m finding I cannot go for my morning walks anymore without feeling pains in my groin area. I don’t go for a walk every morning, perhaps only one or two, but I love doing it. If I’m having a day when it’s juts myself and Joan, I don’t do any exercise as I find being with her is enough. If I’m working (and will be at my desk for hours), I go for a walk or do a YouTube prenatal video. Anyway, things are definitely changing. I’m trying to clean and tidy the house whenever I can - it’s just this urge!! And I enjoy being on all fours as much as I can, which is good for encouraging ideal birth position. Though if there’s one thing I learnt when pregnant with Joan, it’s that you can do everything in your power to encourage your baby to be in a good birth position, and they can still just do whatever they want.



Those sharp, stabbing pains continued this week. I also started to get inner thigh cramps. It feels like a nerve is being pinched. I notice it when the baby is moving a lot or after a long day. If the stars align and it happens when Ben is home, I take that as a sign to head to the bath and let him take over parenting and household duties. I’ve also been getting super strong kicks in my rib from my baby’s foot. Again, because Joan was breech, I didn’t experience this with her. It’s really cool, though I also have to breathe through them because they’re so painful. Good practice for labour, I guess.

This week I turned 33 and we had a family dinner at home. It didn’t feel like my birthday, for some reason. Pregnancy brain? I was legitimately puzzled when Ben put a candle on cake after dinner. “Why would he do that?” I thought. “Oh, it’s my birthday.” Finally, Joan had a sleep over at my folks house this week. This was the first time I have spent the night away from her. Mum suggested it and although I didn’t want to do it (I actually balled my eyes out when they left), she was excited and I felt it’d be good for her to have a night away from me before the baby comes. She had a blast while Ben and I reorganised the freezer. It was really romantic.



I feel like my belly has had a major growth. Everyone from my chiropractor to my neighbours have said it’s popped. Little by little I’m preparing our space - washing the bassinet sheets, organising the change table station, cleaning out those final drawers of paperwork and random items that have been bothering me, and packing our hospital bag. I started to pack our bag last week but didn’t get very far. Now I’m basically set to go besides a few items I’ll add at the last minute.

I’ve had this ‘eye of the tiger’ focus over the past week, striving to get as much work done as possible. Joan came right on 38 weeks, and while I could very well have another 5-6 weeks ahead of me I feel the urge to be prepared, in case this little one comes early, too. I have this heavy feeling in my pelvis that I never had with Joan, so I think he or she is quite low.

Both Ben and Joan came to my OB appointment this week, which was nice. Ben came to every appointment with my first pregnancy, whereas this time around he had only been once (as well as the 12 week and 20 week scans). We just checked on the bub and spoke about having Joan at the birth. She still wants to be there but who knows. We’ll see how she and I feel at the time. I now just need to check it’s all ok with the midwives.

Food has been fairy similar. Quinoa salads with canned fish & veg, or meals like below (dark rye toast, scrambled eggs, roasted veggies, avocado and greens). All stuff that satisfies my taste buds, hunger and nutritional needs.


I’m definitely finding it harder to sleep. I just cannot get comfortable with this belly in bed. Though it’s been harder than usual this week, as I have a cold and can’t breath through my nose (and my throat is super sore). Since the cold hit, I feel as though I have AGES to go. Like, there’s no way this baby will be early. This week I finished work - hurrah! Well, I just have bits and pieces to do but it’s easy and fun stuff that doesn’t involve as much brain power. Thank goodness. I don’t know how much more brain power I have left. All I want to do is tidy our place and go on outings with Joan. We’ve bee hitting up our favourite cafes, going on walks and playing at parks. I don’t move very fast and get tired easily, but it’s lots of fun. Provided she doesn’t have a meltdown. Carrying her is getting harder and harder.

We ended this week with another midwife check up. Bubba doesn’t seem to be super big, which isn’t surprising, as neither was Joan. Ben and I aren’t particularly big, either. I thought this baby would be a a decent-sized one, but the growth seems to have levelled out in the third trimester to just be normal for me. Who knows, we will find out soon!

The low, sharp pains have been happening. Lots of twinges and heaviness. Evening baths are my saviour. I leave Joan’s bathwater in, and once she’s asleep I top it up with hot water, prop my computer up on the vanity and turn on Netflix. Often I’ll bring in snacks, too. It’s BLISS. Getting my body out of the tub is kinda hard, though.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned before that I get skin tags during pregnancy. They’re all over my neck, underarms and chest. Lovely. Also the hair growth is weird. I get more hair on my head and belly, but my hair on my legs just stops growing. It’s bizarre! I shaved my legs two or three months ago but it looks & feels like I shaved them a few days ago.


Well, we’re at the point where I was when I had Joan! She was born right on 38 weeks. It’s kind of mind blowing, actually, to think that by this time with my first pregnancy I had given birth and met my little love. It makes me so excited! I still feel like I have at least two weeks to go. The heaviness continues, as do the twinges and inner thigh cramps (lots of those!). I’ve also had some menstrual-type cramps. But I just don’t feel like he or she is coming soon. My hospital bag is all ready to go, though.

My appetite continues to be a bit blah. Not much appeals and I often feel nauseated. Or I get full really easily. Perhaps that’s because I got another cold this week Blah! I hope it goes quick smart. They say your body doesn’t go into labour when you’re sick, and I really hope that’s true because how unpleasant would that be?

Joan and I have been going on lots of walks. While I want this baby to stay in a little longer, I think walking is good for getting it all to head in the right direction. I am trying to soak up this time when it’s just Joan and I, and when I can give her my full attention with ease for as long as we want. I’ve been following her lead and letting her choose the games we play, what cafe we go to, etc. She’s such a sweetheart. I feel overwhelming gratitude that she’s my daughter and I want her to know she is so loved. It’s going to be a big change for us all.

Finally, how nice is it to be pregnant in Spring? It’s not too warm, but warm enough to throw on a summer dress and call it a day.



Technically I know that our baby will be here within 2-3 weeks, but I feel like I have SO much longer than that until I’ll be giving birth. It just doesn’t seem like it’ll happen soon, which is a strange feeling. I think end-of-pregnancy denial is my thing (I did it in my pregnancy with Joan, too). Physically I feel really good. That cold has gone (hurrah!) my energy levels are great. I have had menstrual-type cramping and I think some braxton hicks every now and then (but clearly not regular or noticeable), but that’s it. My OB says bubba is low and seems ready to go, so we’ll see. I’ve been continuing to walk lots and be active around the house. Joan and I have been cooking and cleaning and playing. It feels like a really sweet time.

I’m loving food all of a sudden, which is nice. This warmer weather has me craving fruit salads in particular, with mango and pineapple. I always find myself throwing a bag of potato crisps in the shopping trolley, which pleases Joan and Ben. One cute thing Joan is into at the moment is requesting I tell her the story of when I found out I was pregnant with her. The story involves bolognese pasta bake (as that’s what Ben and I ate the night before our positive pregnancy test), so this week I bought the ingredients to make that dish.

In the evenings I’ve been having baths, finishing Line of Duty (need. more. seasons) and reading positive birth stories. It’s a nice pre-bed ritual.

And that’s it, folks! I really did think I’d make it to 40 weeks, but no. Walt came at 39 weeks + 2 days. As I mentioned in his birth story, I had a sudden emotional night just before he was born. Prior to that, though, I was feeling positively wonderful and had been throughout his entire pregnancy. I know that’s not always the case - pregnancy is often really challenging - so I’m very grateful for my two smooth experiences. Until next time!

Heidi xo

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